Gale, Robert L.

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An F. Scott Fitzgerald encyclopedia

Contains alphabetically-arranged entries that profile the essential action and summarize the plots in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novels, short stories, and essays and discusses who the characters are, what the works' significance was, how the works were influenced by Fitzgerald's life, and other related topics.

Louis L'Amour

A critical study of L'Amour's life, short stories, and novels.

Characters and plots in the fiction of Ring Lardner

Ring Lardner remains one of the best baseball writers. Both characters and their counterparts have entries, as do the plots and details of some 35 stories devoted to baseball. But Lardner was more versatile, writing 92 hard-to-categorize non-baseball stories, focusing on athletes, writers, theatrical people, musicians, soldiers, embarrassed husbands, and puzzling wives.

Louis L'Amour

A critical study of the life and novels of Louis L'Amour from 1949 to 1984.
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