Twayne's twentieth-century American biography series

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Harry S. Truman

fair dealer and cold warrior
"Twayne's twentieth-century American biography series ; no. 9." Discusses Truman's presidency based on his policies and their effect.
Cover image of Harry S. Truman

George C. Marshall

soldier-statesman of the American century
"Twayne's twentieth-century American biography series ; 10." Covers the pivotal role and career of soldier-statesman George Marshall.

Woodrow Wilson, world statesman

"Twayne's twentieth-century American biography series ; no. 7." Bibliography: p. 254-263. Examines the successes as well as the failures of Wilson's public career as professor, governor, and as president.

Eleanor Roosevelt

first lady of American liberalism
Presents a portrait of both the public and private life of Eleanor Roosevelt.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.--soldier, scholar, judge

"Twayne's twentieth-century American biography series ; 11." Examines the life and careers of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. as soldier, scholar, and judge.

William Jennings Bryan

champion of democracy
"Twayne's twentieth-century American biography series ; no. 4." Discusses the issues with which Bryan and his contemporaries were concerned.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, hero and politician

Traces Eisenhower's life from his rural Kansas childhood through his rise to power.

Big Daddy from the Pedernales

Lyndon Baines Johnson
Traces LBJ's life from his childhood, through his political career, tenure in the Oval Office, and death.

W.E.B. DuBois

Black radical democrat
A biography tracing the development of Du Bois as an African-American intellectual who engendered a new understanding of racial issues on the part of the American public.
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