Jewish biography series

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Father of the orphans

A biography of the Polish doctor, author, founder of orphanages, and promoter of children's rights, whose life, though swept away in the Nazi holocaust, was dedicated to his love for children.

Father of the orphans

A biography of the Polish doctor, author, founder of orphanages, and promoter of children's rights, whose life, though swept away in the Nazi holocaust, was dedicated to his love for children.

Daughter of my people

Henrietta Szold and Hadassah
Traces the life of the Hadassah women's organization's first president, who dedicated its activities to improving the living conditions of Jews in Palestine.

A spy for freedom

the story of Sarah Aaronsohn
A biography of the woman who, during World War I, led an espionage group whose goal was to help free the Jews of Palestine from the oppression of Turkish rule.

An American rhapsody

the story of George Gershwin
A biography of the successful composer of musical comedies, popular songs, symphonic works, and the opera "Porgy and Bess.".
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