applied psychology

Topical Term
applied psychology

Clinical psychology

This book is an informative must-read for anyone who might seek psychotherapy, students who who are interested in becoming clinical psychologists, or even people who simply want to learn how the mind works. Ever since humanistic psychologists rebelled against Sigmund Freud?s theories, so many intriguing schools of thought have sprung up in the field of clinical psychology. Modern methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and family systems therapy, are brief and goal-focused. Positive psychology itself branched out in many directions. Abraham Maslow?s hierarchy of human needs and transpersonal psychology stress self-actualization and peak experiences. Strength-based therapy and goal-focused positive psychotherapy help people optimize their lives. Narrative CBT teaches people to narrate their life stories in new, improved ways. Coherence therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy delve into hidden layers of the mind where problems arise. Acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy train people to stay in the present moment with meditation practice and awareness exercises. And metacognitive therapy, though fairly new, shows intriguing success in helping people overcome depression. This book is a bite-sized smorgasbord of what?s happening in clinical psychology, giving just a taste of each method to help people choose which areas to further explore.

Business psychology

Business psychology, also called ?industrial-organizational? (I-O) psychology, is the study and practice of how people interact in business and on the job. The field dates back to the late 19th and early 20th century with early pioneers like Frederick Taylor and Lillian Gilbreth, who was also a noted female engineer and product designer. I-O psychology is one of the fastest-growing fields in psychology, helping businesses to discover more effective ways of work. Business psychologists can work as clinical counselors in the workplace or consultants for management and leadership, or they can conduct research in marketing, human resources, or employment-related training. I-O psychologists also work with engineers and product designers to create ergonomically designed technology and environments. The nature of work and business is changing rapidly, thanks to new technology and ever-evolving human factors. From discovering the advantages of workplace diversity to studying the impact of virtual workspaces and teams, I-O psychologists work in one of psychology?s most vital and challenging fields.

None of us were like this before

American soldiers and torture
Author Phillips chronicles the transformation of a tank battalion stationed in Iraq into a unit used for guerilla war and prisoner detention. Phillips reveals how and why these men were made to torture their prisoners and details the psychological impact it had on them.
Cover image of None of us were like this before

Workbook for Girl, Wash Your Face

Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So you Can Become Who you Were Meant to Be
Cover image of Workbook for Girl, Wash Your Face


the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked
"An ... investigation into behavioral addiction, the dark flipside of today's unavoidable digital technologies, and how we can turn the tide to regain control..."--Provided by publisher.

Worth the risk

true stories about risk takers plus how you can be one, too
Discusses the value of taking risks and different kinds of risk-taking, both good and bad, and offers advice on and examples of this type of behavior and how to learn from both successes and mistakes.

The tools: 5 tools to help you find courage, creativity, and willpower

The Tools is a dynamic, results-oriented practice that defies the traditional approach to therapy. Instead of focusing on the past, this groundbreaking method aims to deliver relief from persistent problems and restore control?and hope?to users right away. Every day presents challenges?big and small?that the tools transform into opportunities to bring about bold and dramatic change in your life. These transformative techniques will teach you how to GET UNSTUCK: Master the things you are avoiding and live in forward motion. CONTROL ANGER: Free yourself from out-of-control rage and never-ending grudges. EXPRESS YOURSELF: Learn the secret of true confidence and find your authentic voice. COMBAT ANXIETY: Stop obsessive worrying and negative thinking. FIND DISCIPLINE: Activate willpower and make the most of every minute.


the father of western philosophy
Explores Plato's life and upbringing as a member of the aristocracy and his later life as a teacher who had to flee to escape slavery and death for his beliefs.

Llenos de rabia

Enrique, a troubled teen, struggles to find stability in his life.

The mad, the bad, and the innocent

the criminal mind on trial
A forensic psychologist discusses some of her experiences with various criminals including serial killer Joel Rifkin, and challenges the current use of the insanity defense.


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