brain damaged children

Topical Term
brain damaged children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Presents information about Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

My sister's special

Although Angie cannot walk, talk, or use her arms and hands because she is brain-damaged, she goes to school in a wheelchair and enjoys life in a loving family.

A boy called hopeless

A fact-based novel in which fifteen-year-old Mary Jane describes her family's reactions when they discover that her younger brother is brain injured and their decision to participate in a program of rehabilitation together.

Children with traumatic brain injury

a parents' guide
Provides parents with the support and information needed to help a child recover from traumatic brain injuries, including information on diagnosis, rehabilitation, medical concerns, effects on learning, preventing further injury, legal issues, and other related topics.

The out-of-sync child

recognizing and coping with sensory integration dysfunction
Provides an overview of Sensory Integration Dysfunction, discussing how it affects children's behavior; and features criteria and guidance for getting a diagnosis and treatment, as well as advice on how parents can deal with the problem at home.
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