Examines key issues in the trial of seventeenth-century astronomer Galileo, accused of heresy by the Inquisition for advocating the Copernican, or sun-centered, view of the universe, and looks at the reasons why the trial remains memorable.
Examines the personality, thought processes, scientific discoveries, and life of an important figure who helped to shape our understanding of the natural world.
Examines the life of sixteenth-century Italian astronomer, philosopher, and physicist Galileo Galilei, discussing his early years, motivations, accomplishments, and lasting influence on the course of history.
a new look at the epic confrontation between Galileo and the Church
Rowland, Wade
Reexamines the 1633 trial of Galileo by the Inquisition, arguing that the charges against him centered less on his claim that the planets revolve around the sun, and more on his insistence that only science could provide the truth about reality.
An introduction to the thought of Galileo, discussing his early life, his conflicts with philosophers, astronomers, and theologians, his indictment by the Inquisition, and his final years.
Examines the controversies that have raged between science and the Catholic Church throughout history, focusing on the works of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton and the impact their discoveries had on religion.