Recounts the experiences of women settling in the mining and farming communities of the Colorado Territory, focusing on how the women used quilts to record the experiences of their journey.
While mending the awning over the pig pen, Sam discovers that he enjoys sewing the various patches together but meets with scorn and ridicule when he asks his wife if he could join her quilting club.
Introduces the letters of the alphabet with names of early American patchwork quilt patterns and explains the origins of the designs by describing the activity or occupation they derive from.
While traveling west with her family in 1850, a young girl makes a patchwork quilt chronicling the experiences of the journey and reserves a special patch for her pet hen Josefina.
Examines the basic tools and techniques of quilting, and features illustrated instructions for ten quilting projects, including a pincushion, pencil case, pillow, and book bag.