zen buddhism

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zen buddhism

Addy's cup of sugar

In this reworking of the Buddhist parable, Stillwater, a giant panda, teaches Addy that the grief she feels for the loss of her kitten, is part of life and is shared by everybody.

Zen happiness

Presents twelve inspiring and affirmational sayings along with color illustrations, many of which feature the panda bear named Stillwater.

Attaining the way

a guide to the practice of Chan Buddhism
Cover image of Attaining the way

Endless path

awakening within the Buddhist imagination : Jataka tales, Zen practice, and daily life
"The jataka tales--stories of the Buddha's past lives (in both human and animal form)--were first said to have been told by the Buddha himself 2,500 years ago. Five hundred and fifty jataka tales comprise part of the oldest Buddhist text, the Pali Canon"--Back cover.

Beyond happiness

the Zen way to true contentment
Explains simple meditation techniques from Zen Buddhism to improve satisfaction and find contentment in relationships, jobs, and daily living.

Where the dead pause, and the Japanese say goodbye

a journey
Marie Mutsuki Mockett's family owns a Buddhist temple 25 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In March 2011, after the earthquake and tsunami, radiation levels prohibited the burial of her Japanese grandfather's bones. As Japan mourned thousands of people lost in the disaster, Mockett also grieved for her American father, who had died unexpectedly. Seeking consolation, Mockett is guided by a colorful cast of Zen priests and ordinary Japanese who perform rituals that disturb, haunt, and finally uplift her. Her journey leads her into the radiation zone in an intricate white hazmat suit; to Eiheiji, a school for Zen Buddhist monks; on a visit to a Crab Lady and Fuzzy-Headed Priest s temple on Mount Doom; and into the "thick dark" of the subterranean labyrinth under Kiyomizu temple, among other twists and turns. From the ecstasy of a cherry blossom festival in the radiation zone to the ghosts inhabiting chopsticks, Mockett writes of both the earthly and the sublime with extraordinary sensitivity. Her unpretentious and engaging voice makes her the kind of companion a reader wants to stay with wherever she goes, even into the heart of grief itself.

Zen mind, beginner's mind

A collection of stories and meditations on Zen practice that originated from a series of talks given by Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki to a small group in California.

Zen and the brain

toward an understanding of meditation and consciousness

Zen training

methods and philosophy


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