
Topical Term

Erasing the ink

getting rid of your tattoo
This guidebook artfully presents options for getting rid of unwanted body art, systematically discussing the ins and outs of the different removal methodslaser removal, impulse light therapy, dermabrasion, and even excisionas well as the risks and costs associated with each.
Cover image of Erasing the ink

How to draw manga

Presents an illustrated guide to drawing distinguishable manga characters, describing in detail how to draw faces, basic inking techniques, wardrobe, and heroes versus the villains.
Cover image of How to draw manga

Draw 50 animals

Step-by-step instructions for drawing fifty different animals.
Cover image of Draw 50 animals

One boy

A boy creates ten paintings in this counting book that also explores the relationship of words within words.
Cover image of One boy

Frederic Remington

A brief biography of the artist and sculptor accompanies fifteen color reproductions and critical interpretations of his works.
Cover image of Frederic Remington

Let's celebrate Valentine's Day

a book of drawing fun
Step-by-step drawings and text describe how to draw valentines for friends.

Let's celebrate Christmas

a book of drawing fun
Step-by-step illustrations describe how to draw Christmas symbols and decorations.


A guide to drawing different types of space objects that offers step-by-step instructions and illustrations and includes fun facts about different types of space objects, such as astronauts, satellites, and space shuttles.

Amazing animals

A guide to drawing different types of animals that offers step-by-step instructions and illustrations and includes fun facts about different types of animals, such as alligators, dolphins, elephants, and lions.


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