18th century

Topical Term
18th century

A day in the life of a colonial miller

Describes a day in the life of a Connecticut miller during the Revolutionary War, how his gristmill operated, how he kept his tools clean, and what happened when British troops approached.

A day in the life of a colonial surveyor

Illustrations and simple text introduce young readers to the daily experiences of of a surveyor living in the Colonial period.

The wigmakers

Describes the advent of the wig as a fashion necessity in France and England, illustrates popular styles of eighteenth-century wigs, and explains the colonial wigmaker's technique in construction and care of the wig.

The printers

Surveys the history of printing in colonial America, describing the work of the early printers, the development of the free press, and the printer's craft and technique.

Inventors and inventions in colonial America

Profiles important inventors and inventions from colonial America, including Benjamin Franklin, David Rittenhouse, Sybilla Masters, Benjamin Banneker, and Thomas Jefferson.

Frontier fever

the silly, superstitious, and sometimes sensible medicine of the pioneers
Shows how pioneers practiced medicine that was sometimes practical, sometimes superstitious, and sometimes downright dangerous.

A day in the life of a colonial sea captain

Illustrations and easy-to-follow text describe what life was like for a sea captain living during the colonial times.

Medicine in colonial America

Examines medicine and medical practice in colonial America, discussing the effect of European diseases on Native Americans, Native American medicine, disease in colonial communities, medical supplies, and other topics. Includes a glossary and a list of primary sources.

Independent dames

what you never knew about the women and girls of the American Revolution
Describes the role women and young girls played in the American Revolution, highlighting the contributions and exploits of women who had a significant impact on the colonists' fight for freedom.

A day in the life of a colonial printer

Describes a day in the life of a colonial printer, the workings of a printing press, and how it was used to spread news.


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