
Geographic Name

Sam Houston and the Alamo avengers

the Texas victory that changed American history
March 1836: The story of the Alamo is familiar to most: more than two hundred Texians trapped in an adobe mission and massacred. Though the rallying cry of "Remember the Alamo" rang across the country, Houston knew it was poor strategy to aggressively retaliate immediately. One month after the massacre, he and his army of underdog Texians soundly defeated Santa Anna's troops in under eighteen minutes at the Battle of San Jacinto, and in doing so won the independence for which so many had died. Kilmeade brings one of the most pivotal moments in American history to life.

Abraham Lincoln

people, places, politics : history in a box
A collection of materials in varied media and formats about the life of Abraham Lincoln and his accomplishment as politician and president. Includes a resource book with short narrative summaries by historians and extensive background materials (also on CD-ROM), ten posters of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, and others, eight placards depicting historic figures and images, a DVD with eight lectures by major historians, an interactive CD-ROM with soldiers' letters, Civil War songs and photographs, and a poster sized timeline of all the major dates and events.

Lincoln, the rise of the Republicans, and the coming of the Civil War

a reference guide
Presents a history of Abraham Lincoln, the genesis of the United States Republican Party, the debate on slavery, and the Civil War in the early to middle nineteenth century.

The political crisis of the 1850s

Interprets the onset of the Civil War as a breakdown in America's democratic political process, discussing the changes in the Second Party System from the 1820s through the 1850s.

Charles Sumner and the coming of the Civil War

A comprehensive biography of Massachusetts politician and statesman, David Herbert Donald, who was the leader of his state's anti-slavery movement and the Radical Republicans in the Senate.

One man great enough

Abraham Lincoln's road to Civil War
Examines Abraham Lincoln's emergence onto the political scene in the years leading up to the Civil War and draws on Lincoln's own words to explore his response to the issues that shaped the war and his presidency.

Stephen A. Douglas

champion of the Union
Examines the life and accomplishments of politician and orator Stephen Douglas, discussing his career in Illinois politics and public service, with a focus on his role in the debate over slavery.
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