african american authors

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african american authors

The encyclopedia of the Harlem literary renaissance

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that introduce the major writers and great works of the Harlem Renaissance, a period characterized by a flowering of African-American literature and other artistic endeavors.

The preacher King

Martin Luther King, Jr. and the word that moved America
A critical study of the sermons and speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr., exploring his formation in the African-Baptist church where he learned to preach and discussing his use of the Bible as authority for his civil rights activities.

Shadowed dreams

women's poetry of the Harlem Renaissance
A collection of 148 poems written by African-American women about four major themes, including protest, heritage, love, and nature.

Got to be real

four original love stories
Presents four modern love stories by popular American authors E. Lynn Harris, Eric Jerome Dickey, Colin Channer, and Marcus Major.

For colored girls who have considered suicide, when the rainbow is enuf

a choreopoem
A "choreo-poem" reflecting the views of a black American woman about the women of her race.

Voices of multicultural America

notable speeches delivered by African, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans, 1790-1995
A compilation of more than 230 speeches by over 130 prominent African, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans from the late 1700's through early 1995, and includes a narrative of each speaker.

Black American short stories

one hundred years of the best
A collection of short stories by African-American authors.

African American writers

Collection of twenty-eight critical and biographical essays on African-American writers, ranging from slave narrators to contemporary feminist authors.

Double stitch

black women write about mothers & daughters
Forty-seven African-American women provide their personal stories of mother-daughter relationships in poetry, essay, and personal narrative.

African American writers

Contains fifty-two alphabetically arranged articles that provide information about significant African-American authors, each with a biographical overview, a survey of principal writings, an assessment of the subject's work as a whole, and a bibliography; and includes three additional topical essays, and an index.


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