south carolina

Topical Term
south carolina

Sometimey friend

When her mother goes to Florida in 1978, ten-year-old Sylvia stays behind in South Carolina, but when she fails to make new friends at school, she realizes that her newly-discovered great-grandmother and best friend, Miz Lula Maye, might be the problem.

Secret holes

Ten-year-old Sylvia has just discovered that her centenarian best friend is also her great-grandmother, and together they pursue discoveries yet to come.

Freedom road

During the Reconstruction, former slave Gideon Jackson becomes a valued member of the South Carolina Constitutional Convention and helps other freed slaves begin new lives.

Voices of Carolina slave children

A collection of true stories that chronicle the experiences of African slaves on Carolina plantations.

The darker face of the earth

a verse play in fourteen scenes
A classical tragedy based on the story of Oedipus, set on a plantation in antebellum South Carolina.

Celia Garth

a story of Charleston in the Revolution
A novel set in Charleston during the American Revolution, in which a young dressmaker named Celia Garth becomes a spy for the "swamp fox, " American general Francis Marion, during the British occupation of her city.

Mama Day

Mama Day uses her ancient knowledge of herbal medicine and pits herself in mortal combat with dark forces that threaten the body and soul of her niece, Cocoa.

The lords of discipline

In 1966, Will, a senior at the Carolina Military Institute, finds his views conflicting with those of his conservative, gung-ho classmates.

Her own place

a novel
Mae Lee Barnes saves her money earned while working in a munitions factory, buys farmland, and waits for her husband to return from WWII.

In the company of men

a woman at the Citadel
Nancy Mace chronicles the experiences she had as one of the first woman allowed to attend The Citadel and discusses how the male students reacted to her presence.


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