Carr, Jan

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Big Truck and Little Truck

Big Truck and Little Truck work together on Farley's Farm, until the day that Big Truck is towed away for repairs and Little Truck must haul produce to the city all by himself.

The nature of the beast

When Isabelle buys a beast on special at the pet store, her father thinks it will be an interesting scientific experiment, but her mother says it will have to go if it continues its loud imitations of her French lessons.

Swine divine

Rosie the pig takes drastic steps to prove that pigs belong in the muck-mushy mud and not dressed up in front of a camera.

Dark day, light night

'Manda's Aunt Ruby helps her to deal with some angry feelings by making lists of all the things that they like in the world.

Greedy Apostrophe

a cautionary tale
Greedy Apostrophe runs all over town inserting himself in places where he does not belong and causing great confusion.

Frozen noses

Describes the delights of such winter activities as throwing snowballs, making a snowman, and going ice skating.

Sweet hearts

A young girl celebrates Valentine's Day by making and hiding paper hearts around the house for her family to discover. Includes directions for making hearts and a brief history of Valentine's Day.


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