A tale about the importance of friendship in which two best friends, Lisa and Jennie, are parted when Lisa's parents win the lottery. She becomes spoiled and steals a pair of red ballerina shoes made specially for Jennie by the neighborhood cobbler. Suddenly, Lisa cannot stop dancing until she is able to realize that money can't buy happiness.
Brown-skinned, green-eyed Kayla uses her dancing to help deal with her plight when her grandmother's death and the continued absence of her dancer father cause her to leave her farm and live in Chicago with relatives.
The Hip Hop Kidz make it to the National Hip Hop Championships in Los Angeles, California, but are distracted by Emerson's romance, a reunion between Devane and a long-lost friend, and sabotage from a rival team.
The Hip Hop Kidz want to compete in the World Hip Hop Championship, but, with Devane on probation, Da Bomb missing, and Emerson's parents pressuring her to quit, it doesn't look like the will get the chance.