reflections on the revolution in france

reflections on the revolution in france

Common sense and selected works of Thomas Paine

"Presents three works by Thomas Paine "Common Sense," "The Rights of Man", and "The Age of Reason." In "Common Sense", which swayed public opinion in favor of American independence from England. "The Rights of Man and The Age of Reason" further advocated for universal human rights, a republican instead of monarchical government, and truth and reason in politics."--Provided by publisher.

Rights of man

Presents Paine's classic argument, originally published in Britain in 1791, in which he defends the rights of individuals to assert their freedom in the face of tyranny.

A Vindication of the rights of men

Eighteenth-century author and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft challenges Edmund Burke's argument published in his "Reflections on the Revolution in France" where he supported hereditary succession, the alliance of church and state in order to maintain social order, and the notion that only men of property be in ultimate authority.

Rights of man ; and, Common sense

These two pamphlets are recognized as classic arguments in defense of the individuals's right to assert their freedom in the face of tyranny.
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