Roberts, Jeremy

Compare Name: 

Tiger Woods

A&E Biography
Examines the life and performance of golfer Tiger Woods.

Japanese mythology A to Z

Contains over four hundred alphabetically arranged entries that provide information on the major figures, places, stories, objects, and themes in Japanese mythology, and includes illustrations, a bibliography, an index, and cross-references.

Tiger Woods

A brief biography of professional golfer Tiger Woods that discusses his childhood, family, and successful career. Includes a selected bibliography, resources, and a glossary.

Zachary Taylor

Presents a biography of the soldier and Mexican War general who became president of the United States in 1849 and then died in office the following year.

The real deal

a guy's guide to being a guy
This book discusses traditional, current, and stereotypical concepts of masculinity and provides advice for boys on how to deal with becoming a man.

Joseph Goebbels

Nazi propaganda minister
Relates the life of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and his role in formulating Hitler's policy of exterminating the Jewish people.

Oskar Schindler

righteous gentile
Presents volume three of an eight-volume series on Holocaust biographies and examines the role that Oskar Schindler played and provides information on his youth, his membership in the Nazi Party, and his role in providing jobs for Jews and the ultimate survival of over one thousand Jews he kept from the death camps.

Saint Joan of Arc

A biography of the young French woman who, inspired by visions supposedly from God, led the French army against English invaders, was burned at the stake as a heretic, and eventually was declared a saint.

Adolf Hitler

a study in hate
Presents volume seven of an eight-volume series on Holocaust Biographies and examines the life of Adolf Hitler, his rise to power within the National Socialist Party, and his hatred against the Jews.

Adolf Hitler

a study in hate
A biography of Hitler emphasizing his hatred for the Jews.


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