Scalzi, John

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Lock in

[a novel of the near future]
In this futuristic crime thriller, a virus that causes its victims to be fully aware inside immobile bodies leads to unexpected consequences, as these individuals begin to influence society through intermediaries called "integrators.".

Lock in

In a near-future transformed by a dangerous virus, FBI agents Chris Shane and Leslie Vann investigate a murder in which the suspect appears to be someone who has allowed their body to be used by an individual afflicted with the "Haden's syndrome" virus.


Enjoying his assignment with the xenobiology lab on board the prestigious Intrepid, ensign Andrew Dahl worries about casualties suffered by low-ranking officers during away missions before making a shocking discovery about the starship's actual purpose.

Fuzzy nation

Independent contractor Jack Holloway discovers a collection of valuable jewels on planet Zarathustra and offers ZaraCorp a percentage of the wealth in exchange for their help in extracting them, but when Jack sees a family of small furry creatures, he realizes that ZaraCorp does not have a true claim to resources on the planet.


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