Adler, David A

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why they go up and down
Explains the basic laws of supply and demand using examples kids will understand, such as dueling lemonade stands on the same block.

Let's estimate

a book about estimating and rounding numbers
This introduction to the mathematical estimating and rounding explains the difference between the two, their uses, and gives directions for estimating and rounding.

Things that float and things that don't

Introduces the physical properties of objects that sink or float and offers examples of them in everyday life, along with simple experiments to try at home.

Bones and the football mystery

When Grandpa's lucky hat goes missing during a college football game, detective Jeffrey Bones and his friend Sally help look for it.
Cover image of Bones and the football mystery

Bones and the clown mix-up mystery

Detective Jeffrey Bones helps a clown who performed at his friend's birthday party to find some lost clothing.
Cover image of Bones and the clown mix-up mystery

A Picture Book of Rosa Parks

A picture book of Jesse Owens

A simple biography of the noted African-American track star who competed in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Cover image of A picture book of Jesse Owens


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