mathematical recreations

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mathematical recreations

Ben Franklin and the magic squares

Shows how Benjamin Franklin, inventor, writer and scientist, created a puzzle called the magic square to keep from being bored while serving as clerk for the Pennsylvania Assembly. Includes step-by-step instructions for creating your own magic squares.

Making connections

50 math super puzzles
Contains fifty math puzzles using logic problems.

The puzzle universe

a history of mathematics in 315 puzzles
A guide to 350 puzzles and games invented by history's key puzzle and game masterminds.

The call of the primes

surprising patterns, peculiar puzzles, and other marvels of mathematics
Text and illustrations look at the world of mathematics, focusing on primes, the Lucas sequence, square numbers, and other topics.

Well played

building mathematical thinking through number games and puzzles, grades 3-5
Presents games and activities for teaching mathematics.

Number magic

Provides step-by-step instructions to perform magic tricks that involve numbers.

Cracking the cube

going slow to go fast and other unexpected turns in the world of competitive Rubik's Cube solving


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