(lyndon baines)

(lyndon baines)

The Years of Lyndon Johnson

Chronicles Lyndon Johnson's life during the twelve years he served in the United States Senate, from 1949 to 1960, discussing his influence on a variety of controversial and influential issues.

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Uses biographical, analytical, and primary source historical material to chronicle the life and political career of Lyndon Baines Johnson, the thirty-sixth president of the United States.

Lyndon Johnson and the American dream

Examines Johnson's political and personal life from his childhood to his death in 1973.

Big Daddy from the Pedernales

Lyndon Baines Johnson
Traces LBJ's life from his childhood, through his political career, tenure in the Oval Office, and death.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson

Discussion of the three mid-twentieth-century presidents who took the United States through the Cold War, the Cuban blockade, the civil rights movement, and into the Vietnam War.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Discusses the life and career of the thirty-sixth president, whose term was filled with controversy over the civil rights movement and the war in Vietnam.

Lyndon B. Johnson

America's 36th president
Provides a brief account of the life and career of Lyndon B. Johnson, thirty-sixth president of the United States.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Contains key facts about the life of Lyndon B. Johnson from his childhood to his retirement, focusing on his political career and his term as the thirty-sixth president of the United States. Includes a timeline, information on the office of the president, and resources for further research.

Lyndon B. Johnson

An illustrated biography of Lyndon B. Johnson that describes his Texas upbringing, his years as a senator, his unexpected change from vice president to president, and the successes and trouble spots of his presidency.


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