compulsive behavior

Topical Term
compulsive behavior

Understanding addiction

An overview of addiction that explains what it is and discusses several aspects of the problem, including various types of addiction, who gets addicted and how, what happens to the addicted brain, how addiction affects family members, and how one can recover.


a new generation in recovery speaks out
Presents the author's first-hand account of his struggles with drug and alcohol addiction, and provides suggestions for what it takes to get clean.

The Bad girl

Ricardo Somocurcio is haunted by his love affair with the mysterious Comrade Arlette, whom Ricardo is certain is the same woman he knew as Lily in his teenage years, and as the years pass, and her guise changes, Ricardo wonders why he is so drawn to this woman and what influence she has on his life.

Impulse control disorders

Examines the symptoms, causes, and effects of compulsive mental disorders, which includes pathological gambling, kleptomania, intermittent explosive disorder, and others; and also discusses possible treatment options.

What to do when your brain gets stuck

a kid's guide to overcoming OCD
Offers guidance and tools for children who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, including examples, activities, and tricks.

The encyclopedia of addictions and addictive behaviors

Contains over three hundred entries dealing with common addictions, and provides information on recognizing and treating such problems as alcoholism and drug dependency, gambling, eating disorders, excessive spending, and much more.

The addictions handbook

Describes many different types of addictions, their effects, and treatments.

Frequently asked questions about online gaming addiction

Offers teens an overview of the symptoms and potential dangers associated with online game addiction, discussing ways to regain and maintain control of gaming habits, and related topics.

Everything you need to know about having an addictive personality

Discusses the nature of addictions to gambling, food, sex, alcohol, and other drugs, how they form and develop, their negative effects, and how to deal with them.

Tormenting thoughts and secret rituals

the hidden epidemic of obsessive-compulsive disorder
Discusses obsessive-compulsive disorder, its causes and diagnosis, recent findings, and the differences between OCD and other addictions and obsessions.


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