Anaya, Rudolfo A

Compare Name: 

Bless Me. Unltima

La Llorona =

The Crying Woman
In ancient Mexico, beautiful Maya's children are endangered by the threat of Senor Tiempo who, jealous of their immortality, plots to destroy them.
Cover image of La Llorona =

Bendi?ceme, U?ltima

Set in a small New Mexican community during World War II, Antonio speaks of the dignity, traditions, and mythology of Chicano life.

Elegy on the death of Ce?ar Cha?vez

A poem eulogizing the Mexican American labor activist Ce?ar Cha?vez and his work helping organize migrant farm workers.

How chile came to New Mexico =

Com?o lleg?o el chile a Nuevo M?exico
In order to marry Sage, the girl he loves, Young Eagle must leave his home in New Mexico and undertake a long and perilous journey to the land of the Aztecs to bring back chile seeds for Sage's father. Includes glossary of Spanish terms.

Bless Me. Unltima

Bless me, Ultima

Novel of life in the American Southwest for a Chicano family.

Serafina's stories

Serafina, taken prisoner along with a group of Pueblo Indians for conspiring against the colonial government of New Mexico in 1680, intrigues the Governor with her intelligence and ability to speak Spanish, leading him to strike a bargain with the young woman that she will tell him a story each night, and if he is pleased by the tale, he will release one of the captives.

Poems from the R?o Grande

Features more than 25 poems written by one of the most celebrate Chicano authors in history.

The first tortilla

a bilingual story
Guided by a blue hummingbird, Jade brings an offering to the Mountain Spirit who lives near her village in Mexico, and asks if he will send rain to end the drought that threatens the people. Includes information about the legend on which this story is based and facts about corn; and is presented in English and Spanish.


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