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The ultimate jokiest joking joke book ever written--no joke!

the hugest pile of jokes, knock-knocks, puns, and knee-slappers that will keep you lauging out loud
A joke book containing thousands of jokes, puns, and knock-knocks about celebrities, movies, sports, animals, school, and more.
Cover image of The ultimate jokiest joking joke book ever written--no joke!

Just joking

Presents a collection of over one thousand jokes, focusing on travel, magic, and nature.
Cover image of Just joking

Hugely hilarious jokes about dinosaurs

"Through a . . . design that brings the jokes to life with . . . facts and critical thinking questions, [this book] will have readers laughing and learning"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Hugely hilarious jokes about dinosaurs

Laugh out loud silly jokes for kids

good, clean jokes, riddles, and puns!
A collection of over one hundred jokes, riddles, and puns for children.
Cover image of Laugh out loud silly jokes for kids

Laugh out loud jokes for kids

A collection of jokes and humorous would-you-rather scenarios.
Cover image of Laugh out loud jokes for kids

Space Jokes

Presents simple jokes and riddles revolving around the subject of outer space.

Holiday jokes

Simple jokes and riddles about common holidays.

Doctor jokes

Simple jokes and riddles about doctors and the medical profession.

Rad riddles

Features a collection of riddles for young readers.

The essential compendium of dad jokes

the best of the worst dad jokes for the painfully punny parent
"When does a joke become a dad joke? When it becomes apparent. For the first time ever, the best of the worst dad jokes will be collected into the essential tome for fathers, patient mothers, tolerant children, and anyone who loves a good bad jokes. Packed with 301 jokes, fun but classy original illustrations, interesting tidbits, joke-telling pointers, and profiles of legendary dad jokers, The Essential Compendium of Dad Jokes is filled with hours of laughter and silliness for the whole family"--.


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