Hill, Lee Sullivan

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Trains on the move

Text and photographs describe trains, how they work, and what they carry.
Cover image of Trains on the move

Farms feed the world

A simple introduction to the beauty and variety of farms from a wheat field in Montana to the harvesting of seaweed from the ocean.

Get around in air and space

Explains why people travel in air and space and introduces the various forms of transportation used.

Get around with cargo

Briefly describes some of the methods used to move goods from one place to another, including pack animals, barges and other boats, trains, and trucks.

Get around on water

Describes many of the ways people move themselves and goods around on rivers, lakes, canals, and oceans.

Get around for fun

Describes how people choose different ways to use transportation for fun, depending on setting, circumstances, and personal preference.

Motorcycles on the move

Photographs and text show different kinds of motorcycles and how they work.

Monuments help us remember

Describes different kinds of monuments from around the world while also explaining how and why they were built, how they are preserved, and their importance to one's memory.

Homes keep us warm

A simple introduction to the variety and beauty of homes around the world.


Introduces jet planes, how they work, and for what purposes they are used.


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