Myths & civilization series

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Myths and civlization of the ancient Chinese

Color illustrations fill this overview of ancient Chinese deities and daily life, which presents several myths and describes components of ancient Chinese society including art and entertainment, agriculture and medicine, war and weapons, and inventions.

Myths and civilization of the Celts

Presents nine illustrated myths of the Celtic world, each followed by a double-page information section that focuses on a related aspect of Celtic life, such as religion, society, clothing, and trade.

Myths and civilization of the ancient Mesopotamians

Presents myths of ancient Mesopotamia along with color-illustrated profiles of several aspects of Mesopotamian civilization, including religion, war and weapons, kings and cities, written language, craftspeople and trade, gods and goddesses, food and agriculture, and clothing and jewelry.

Myths and civilization of the ancient Romans

Presents nine illustrated Roman myths, each followed by a double-page information section that focuses on a related aspect of Roman culture and society, such as religion, food and feasts, war, and art.
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