Frontier land

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Explorers of the frontier

Describes the efforts of such men as Coronado, de Soto, Drake, and, in particular, Lewis and Clark to search for what came to be known as the Northwest Passage.

Pioneers of the frontier

Describes what life was like for some of the pioneers who went west during the second half of the nineteenth century to prospect for gold, build railroads, and settle the Great Plains.

Mountain men of the frontier

Discusses some of the explorers and trappers who journeyed west to hunt and trade beaver pelts and other commodities during the early nineteenth century.

Native Americans of the frontier

Describes the life and customs of Native American people living on the Great Plains before the arrival of the white man.

Cowboys of the frontier

A brief introduction to the day-to-day life of cowboys in the American West.

Women of the frontier

Describes the experiences of women who went west in the latter part of the nineteenth century.
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