
Geographic Name

Projekt 1065

It is 1943, and thirteen-year-old Michael O'Shaunessey, son of the Irish ambassador to Nazi Germany in Berlin, is also a spy for the British Secret Service, so he has joined the Hitler Youth, and pretending that he agrees with their violence and book-burning is hard enough--but when he is asked to find out more about "Projekt 1065" both his and his parents' lives get a lot more dangerous.

The book thief

Explores the literary work of Markus Zusak, including the setting, time period, conflict, and impact of the novel.

The New Deal

An overview of the New Deal that discusses the Great Depression, fireside chats, the Federal Emergency Relief Act, the Civil Works Administration, and other related topics, and includes photographs, a time line, and a list of additional resources.

The road to World War II

A 16-part series that examines the events between the end of World war I in 1918 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 through newsreels, soundtracks, and archival footage.

Projekt 1065

It is 1943, and thirteen-year-old Michael O'Shaunessey, son of the Irish ambassador to Nazi Germany in Berlin, is also a spy for the British Secret Service, so he has joined the Hitler Youth, and pretending that he agrees with their violence and book-burning is hard enough--but when he is asked to find out more about "Projekt 1065" both his and his parents' lives get a lot more dangerous.

The Great Depression

Examines the Great Depression and includes a visual chronology and source notes.

Nazi architects of the Holocaust

Explores the history of the Holocaust in Germany, covering the ideology behind it, the rise of the Nazi party, the men given the task of implementing it, the extermination in the East, and the systematic extermination in the death camps.

Kristallnacht and living in Nazi Germany

Describes how the strong dislike of Jews that existed in Europe since social Darwinism became popular in the 1870's led eventually to Kristallnacht or "Night of broken glass" in 1938 when Jews throughout Germany and Austria were subjected to brutality and thousands of horrors in a single night.

A new deal for women

the expanding roles of women, 1938-1960
Explores how women's roles in society changed from 1938 to 1960, discussing how the war forced women out of the home and into factories and businesses, making them more independent and powerful and explaining how they maintained that power in the post-war era.

The Great Depression and World War II, 1929 to 1949

Provides an overview of what life was like in the United States from 1929 through 1949, discussing family, social attitudes, religion, education, science, entertainment, crime, labor, military, transportation, public health, and other related topics.


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