mars, bruno

mars, bruno

Bruno Mars

A biography of the pop music musician, Bruno Mars.
Cover image of Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars

pop singer and producer
Simple text and photographs provide a brief profile of the life and career of musician Bruno Mars.
Cover image of Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars

Explores the life of hip-hop artist Bruno Mars.
Cover image of Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars

A brief biography of Bruno Mars, profiling his life and career as a musician, performer, and songwriter.
Cover image of Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars

A brief introduction to the life of musician Bruno Mars.
Cover image of Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars

famous musician
Introduces the life of Bruno Mars and his climb to fame as a musician.
Cover image of Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars

singer and songwriter
Profiles the life and career of musician, performer, and songwriter Bruno Mars.

Bruno Mars

Profiles the life and career of Bruno Mars singer and songwriter.

Bruno Mars

Profiles the life and career of musician, performer, and songwriter Bruno Mars.

Bruno Mars

Profiles the life and career of musician, performer, and songwriter Bruno Mars, from his childhood in Hawaii through his move to Los Angeles, his first album release, and selected awards.


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