forensic sciences

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forensic sciences

The body in the woods

be a crime scene investigator
When crime scene investigators (CSIs) are called to the location of a murder, they document what they see in detail and carefully collect the evidence. Evidence isn't always obvious to the untrained eye. Readers of this remarkable book, which includes dynamic photographs, will become trained to know what to look for at a crime scene as they tag along with scientists on an intriguing case. They'll learn about various kinds of evidence as well as how it's analyzed to provide essential clues about what happened at the scene and how to find the killer.
Cover image of The body in the woods

Chasing a serial killer

be a criminal profiler
Criminal profilers have the challenging task of building a profile, or description, of an unknown criminal offender. Using clues left behind at a crime scene and various investigative processes, they can discover what the culprit was feeling, planning, and perhaps even their next move. This is especially important when the perpetrator is a serial killer who will likely strike again. Readers will be engrossed in this account of a criminal profiler on a case. Vivid on-the-job photographs and images perfectly match the action of the story and support key attributes of this important career.
Cover image of Chasing a serial killer

Lab analysis

"An in-depth look at how forensic scientists use chemistry and scientific equipment to examine substances to solve crimes, employing real-life examples such as civilian aircraft bombing cases"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Lab analysis


"An in-depth look at how crime scene investigators use evidence found at crime scenes to identify victims and suspects, employing real-life examples such as The Nightstalker case"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Identification

Digital forensics

"An in-depth look at how digital forensic examiners analyze devices with forensic tools to prevent cybercrimes and catch criminals, employing real-life examples such as the BTK killer case"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Digital forensics

Club CSI: The case of the ruined ram

When the costume for the school's mascot is destroyed, the members of Club CSI are determined to find the culprit before anyone else can solve the case.
Cover image of Club CSI: The case of the ruined ram

Club CSI: The case of the plagued play

The members of Club CSI are on the case when someone sabotages the school play rehearsals and it is about to close before it even opens.
Cover image of Club CSI: The case of the plagued play

Club CSI: The case of the disappearing dogs

Hannah and her Club CSI friends investigate when her dog, Molly, disappears from the backyard shortly after winning the neighborhood dog show.
Cover image of Club CSI: The case of the disappearing dogs

Club CSI: The case of the digital deception

A classmate needs Club CSI's help when mysterious charges from a popular Internet doodling game appear on her parents' credit card bill.
Cover image of Club CSI: The case of the digital deception

Blood, bullets, and bones

the story of forensic science from Sherlock Holmes to DNA
A history of modern forensic science from the first test for arsenic poisoning in the 1700's to criminal profiling, fingerprinting, blood splatter analysis, DNA evidence, and all the milestones in between.
Cover image of Blood, bullets, and bones


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