detention of persons

Topical Term
detention of persons

Firebird caged

High school senior Ashley grapples with an unintended pregnancy, and finds herself detained under Act 292 (Wisconsin's ?Unborn Children Protection Act?), and must find her own strength and resilience as she fights to protect her unborn child and secure her own freedom.

Land of the cranes

Nine-year-old Betita and her parents fled Mexico after her uncle was killed by the cartels, and settled in Los Angeles seeking political asylum and safety in what her father calls Aztlan, the land of the cranes; but now they have been swept up by by the government's Immigration Customs Enforcement, her father deported back to Mexico, and Betita and her mother confined in a family detention camp--Betita finds heart in her imagination and the picture poems her father taught her, but each day threatens to further tear her family apart.

Santiago's road home

Fleeing abusive relatives and extreme poverty in Mexico, young Santiago endures being detained by ICE while crossing the border into the United States.

La tierra de las grullas

Papi le cont?? la historia desde antes que su familia emigrara a Los ??ngeles huyendo de la guerra del narcotr??fico en M??xico: le dijo a Betita que ellos y el resto de su familia son grullas que han regresado a su tierra prometida. Pero un d??a Papi es arrestado por el Servicio de Control de Inmigraci??n y Aduanas y deportado a M??xico. Betita y su mam??, que est?? esperando un beb??, se quedan solas. Muy pronto ellas tambi??n son detenidas y deben aprender a sobrevivir en un centro de detenci??n de inmigrantes. La fortaleza de Betita y sus compa??eros en busca de asilo vuela por encima del odio que los mantiene enjaulados, pero que amenaza cada d??a con hacerlos caer m??s bajo de lo jam??s imaginaron. ??Podr??n estas familias volver a estar juntas alguna vez?.

Family separation and the U.S.-Mexico border crisis

"This volume provides an authoritative, evenhanded overview of the Trump administration's family separation and child detention policies at the U.S.-Mexico border--and the impact of those policies and actions on children, their parents, border security, and American politics"--Provided by publisher.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement

This title explores the controversy surrounding the federal agency tasked with enforcing US immigration laws. It details the history of this agency and the ways policy changes have affected both people immigrating to the United States and immigration enforcement officers.

Santiago's road home

Fleeing abusive relatives and extreme poverty in Mexico, young Santiago endures being detained by ICE while crossing the border into the United States.


To escape the violent cartel that is after them in Ciudad Ju?rez, siblings Sara and Emiliano flee across the border, seeking a better life in the United States and hoping to bring their pursuers to justice, only to discover that an even greater danger awaits them.

Arrest-proof yourself

an ex-cop reveals how easy it is for anyone to get arrested, how even a single arrest could ruin your life, what to do if the police get in your face
Ex-police officer Dale Carson offers simple strategies that can help people avoid being arrested, revealing how cops operate, the things that can get people into trouble, and the best ways to avoid going to jail.
Cover image of Arrest-proof yourself

The last girl

my story of captivity, and my fight against the Islamic State
"A memoir of Nadia Murad's time as a captive of the Islamic State, her escape, and her human rights activism"--Provided by publisher.


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