ship captains

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ship captains

'Til morning light

Gracelin O'Malley immigrates to America in order to escape the devastating famine in Ireland, and travels to San Francisco to meet the sea captain whose marriage proposal she accepted, but when he is not there to meet her, Gracelin is forced to accept a job with a prominent doctor and finds herself reunited with a lost love from her past.

Crucible of gold

a novel of Temeraire
Captain Will Laurence and his fighting dragon Temeraire have been put out to pasture in Australia, and it seems their part in the war has come to an end, but then they receive an offer to reinstate Laurence to his former rank and seniority as a captain in the Aerial Corps, but he is by no means sanguine, knowing from experience that personal honor and duty to one's country do not always run on parallel tracks.


Anne Elliot, persuaded by family and friends that the charming and handsome Frederick Wentworth is not worthy of her regard, questions her decision to send him away until he returns seven years later, his circumstances much improved.

Heart of darkness

and, The secret sharer
"Heart of Darkness" tells of a powerful European, Kurtz, who reverts to awful savagery in an isolated native trading post. "The Secret Sharer" describes the conflict of a young captain torn between his duty to his ship and his loyalty to a young officer.

Moby Dick, or, The whale

Herman Melville's classic novel about a young seaman who joins the crew of a whaling ship commanded by the fanatical Captain Ahab, who is in pursuit of a white whale.

Billy Budd, sailor

an inside narrative

A battle won

After being tasked with taking HMS Themis into battle against the French for the strategically located island of Corsica, Master and Commander Charles Hayden soon must land his ship on Corsica, where his men join forces with native insurgents.

Heart of darkness

and, The secret sharer
Presents two novels by Joseph Conrad, "Heart of Darkness", in which Marlow experiences the depths of moral depravity as he travels through a dangerous jungle, and "The Secret Sharer", which recounts a young sea captain's first command through the Gulf of Siam, where he must face the demons of his unconscious mind.


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