Follows the career of Johnny Depp, discussing his troubled youth, his attempts to break into the music business, his early acting roles, and his often unconventional choices, and including quotations, photographs, and a time line.
Follows the career of performer Justin Timberlake, discussing his early musical experiences, his work as part of "The All-New Mickey Mouse Club" and as a member of the band 'N Sync, and his success as a solo artist, and including quotations, photographs, and a time line.
Explores the evolution of American fashion from the 1950s through today, detailing the role of clothing in American culture and explaining how its purpose and appearance have changed over the decades. Features numerous photographs, fact boxes, and sources for additional information.
Follows the career of comedian Will Ferrell, discussing his early life and education, his work on "Saturday Night Live" and with other comedy troupes, and his success in films, and including quotations, photographs, and a time line.
Follows the careers of Owen and Luke Wilson, discussing the choices they have made as writers and actors, how their work has been received, and their relationship off-screen, and including quotations, photographs, and a time line.