Discovering U.S. history

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The New World

Chronicle the history of the New World from prehistory to 1542, covering the migration of native peoples into North America and European exploration.

The Great Depression, 1929-1938

Presents a history of the United States from 1929 when the stock market crashed to 1938. Includes illustrations and side-bars.

Colonial America, 1543-1763

Presents the history of America from 1543 to 1763 revealing the influences of the colonists, explorers, evangelists, Puritans, planters, servants, and farmers. Includes illustrations, side-bars, and a chronology.

The new South and the Old West, 1866-1890

Depicts the post-war South and the Reconstruction period which failed to free the newly liberated blacks from white racism and describes the simultaneous migration and settling of the Old West which ultimately left thousands of Native Americans dispossessed and segregated. Includes color illustrations, maps, and photos and also presents a chronology, a timeline, a glossary, and an index.

World War II, 1939-1945

Explores the all-encompassing world war that created America's "Greatest Generation." Features full-color and black-and-white photographs, illustrations, maps, a glossary, a chronology, a timeline, and further resources.

World War I and the roaring twenties, 1914-1928

Discusses how the United States experienced swift economic, technological, and social changes during World War I and the subsequent "Roaring Twenties." Features full-color and black-and-white photographs, illustrations, maps, a glossary, a chronology, a timeline, and further resources.

Revolutionary America, 1764-1789

A history of the American Revolution and the events leading up to it. Includes color illustrations, a map, a chronology, and a glossary.

Modern America

Explores key political and social events in America from the 1960s to the present. Features full-color and black-and-white photographs, illustrations, maps, a glossary, a chronology, a timeline, and further resources.

Early national America, 1790-1850

Presents a history on America's beginning years exploring how it shaped the nation. Includes maps, illustrations, a time-line, and side-bars.


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