confederate states of america

Geographic Name
confederate states of america

Across five Aprils

Young Jethro Creighton grows from a boy to a man when he is left to take care of the family farm in Illinois during the difficult years of the Civil War.
Cover image of Across five Aprils

Naval campaigns of the Civil War

Offers an analysis of every naval campaign of the Civil War, from the efforts at Fort Sumter during the secession of South Carolina in 1860, through the battles in the Gulf of Mexico, on the Mississippi River, and along the eastern seaboard, to the final attack at Fort Fisher on the coast of North Carolina in January 1865.
Cover image of Naval campaigns of the Civil War

Confederate generals

life portraits
Profiles sixteen Confederate generals who came to represent Southern leadership, including Robert E. Lee, J. E. B. Stuart, James Longstreet, and P. G. T. Beauregard; also includes more than two hundred photos and period illustrations.
Cover image of Confederate generals

Encyclopedia of the American Civil War

a political, social, and military history
Presents over 1,600 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about political, military, and social aspects of the Civil War, including biographies of major and minor figures; and features primary documents, maps, illustrations, a glossary of terms, and an extensive bibliography.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of the American Civil War

Eagles on their buttons

a Black infantry regiment in the Civil War
Explores the history of the Fifth Regiment of Infantry, U.S. Colored Troops, examining contemporary writings to provide insight into why these men, living free in the North, chose to fight in the Civil War.
Cover image of Eagles on their buttons

Life in Mr. Lincoln's navy

Examines life for a sailor in the Union navy including recruitment and training, clothing, diet and health, wages, and combat experience; as well as issues such as racial integration and the development of the navy from wooden ships to steam and iron.
Cover image of Life in Mr. Lincoln's navy

The horrors of Andersonville

life and death inside a civil war prison
Tells the story of Andersonville, a Civil War prison camp in Georgia where thousands of Union prisoners died in the last fourteen months of the war, drawing from a variety of documents to consider whether the prison's commandant, Captain Henry Wirz, was justifiably convicted and hanged.
Cover image of The horrors of Andersonville


the boys in blue & gray
Uses a detailed letter written by Union lieutenant Frank A. Haskell to his brother in July 1863 and further eyewitness accounts by Union and Confederate soldiers to frame several of the engagements in the Battle of Gettysburg.
Cover image of Gettysburg

The red badge of courage

an episode of the American Civil War
During his service in the Civil War, a young Union soldier matures to manhood and finds peace of mind as he comes to grips with his conflicting emotions about war.
Cover image of The red badge of courage


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