Photographs, illustrations, and simple text describes the concepts of light and dark, how light can travel at different speeds, how a lens works, and how special types of light can be used.
Explains what energy is, looks at different forms of energy and how they change, describes stored and heat energy, discusses the sources of energy, and includes related activities.
Presents activities that demonstrate how sound, especially musical sound, works in our everyday lives. History boxes feature the scientists who made significant discoveries in the field of sound.
Contains an introduction to weather, in simple text with photographs and illustrations, including information on how clouds form, what causes humidity, what wind is, and how thunderstorms are created. Includes experiments for forming a rainbow and making a pinecone barometer.
Contains an introduction to water, in simple text with photographs and illustrations, including information on condensation, evaporation, surface tension, and water pressure, as well as experiments to find water's boiling point.
An introduction to the science of electricity, explaining what it is, how it is made, how electrical circuits work, and how electricity is used, and including investigations and experiments.