Examines the life of American patriot Samuel Adams, discussing his childhood in Boston, his education and failed careers, his money woes, involvement in politics, and role in urging the colonies toward independence.
Ronald Reagan had demonstrated a talent and passion for politics, even during his time as an actor, and his combination of knowledge and charisma won over voters. Readers examine Ronald Reagan's life and career, from his boyhood to the successes and challenges connected to his administration to his final days.
Alphabetically arranged entries provide brief biographical profiles of important historical figures who shaped the debates over government during the Jacksonian era.
Benazir recounts how through her tenacity to her father's memory she emerged from political persecution and exile to become the leader of the Pakistan People's Party.
Tells the life story of early twentieth-century conservationist Gifford Pinchot, illustrating his central role in the development of forest preservation and environmental politics.