"A magical introduction to a magical creature. This Little Golden Book stars a playful mermaid and her mer-friends who ride sea horses, sing songs, and babysit dolphins!"--Adapted from OCLC.
every girl can be a princess -- with princess parties, recipes, costumes, and more!
Loehr, Mallory
Includes ideas and simple instructions for costumes, jewelry, fanciful feasts, royal decorations, and other items for the little girl who dreams of being a princess.
A shortened, simplified version of the tale in which a little girl falls down a rabbit hole and discovers a world of nonsensical and amusing characters.
A shortened, simplified version of the tale in which a little girl falls down a rabbit hole and discovers a world of nonsensical and amusing characters.
While staying at the beach for the summer, ten-year-old Polly and her younger brother Sam find a message in a bottle, providing them and their thirteen-year-old brother with exciting and scary adventures.