Tello, Jerry

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The new batch

Five-year-old Amalia is visited by her grandmother and learns how to make Mexican tortillas.

Abuelo y los tres osos =

Abuelo and the three bears

Amalia y sus primeras tortillas

Five-year-old Amalia is visited by her grandmother and learns how to make Mexican tortillas.

Abuelo y los tres osos

adaptaci?n de un cuento tradicional
Abuelo retells the story of Goldilocks and the three bears for his grandson adding a hispanic touch.

Abuelo y los tres osos

Emilio's grandfather gives a Hispanic flavor to the story of the Three Bears.

Let's read about-- C?sar Ch?vez

A profile of C?sar Ch?vez, the Mexican American union leader who fought to get migrant farm workers better wages.
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