Vogel, Elizabeth

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A hacer ejercicio!

A boy describes ways of exercising every day and explains the benefits of physical fitness.

Al agua patos!

A young boy describes how he loves going into the bathtub with his soap, washcloth, shampoo, and rubber ducky and getting clean.

A comer sanamente!

Color photographs and simple text introduce the four food groups and explain the importance of eating a balanced diet.

Brushing my teeth =

a lavarse los dientes!
A girl describes how she brushes her teeth and how the process cleans off plaque and helps to keep her mouth safe from unhealthy germs. Presented in English and Spanish.

Washing my hands =

A larvarse las manos!
A girl describes how she washes her hands and gives examples of times when hand washing is important. Presented in English and Spanish.

Eating right =

A comer sanamente!
Color photos accompany simple text on the four food groups and the importance of eating a balanced diet. Presented in English and Spanish.

Meet my teacher

Simple text teaches young readers about school teachers, their jobs, and how they help students.

Dealing with showoffs

Discusses why people show off, what to do if a showoff makes you feel bad, and how to change if you are the showoff.

Dealing with rules at home

Discusses the importance of rules, why adults make the rules they do, and how to negotiate if the rules seem unfair.

Dealing with being the youngest child in your family

Describes some of the frustrations and benefits that come with being the youngest child in a family and offers advice on how to deal with both.


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