
Topical Term

Aztec, Inca, & Maya

Photographs and descriptive text provide information on the people, cities, culture, food and drink, trade, gods and goddesses, clothes, sports and games, and other aspects of the Aztec, Inca, and Maya civilizations.

El D?a de los Muertos

Experience the Day of the Dead
Derrick, an American high school student, teams up with Itzli, a young woman from Mexico, to explore the meaning and observance of the Day of the Dead in Oaxaca in October 2005.


"Since before Miguel was born, his family has had one rule: NO MUSIC! But Miguel has a secret he wants to share with his great-grandmother Coco. He wants to be a musician! Will he follow the wishes of his family, or will he follow his heart?--Back cover.

Cinco de Mayo

Explores the symbols, customs, rituals and folklore underlying the celebration of Cinco de Mayo. Presented with traditional songs, folk tales, and arts and crafts.

Fall of the Aztec & Maya empires

Shows the grandeur of ancient times through re-creations, commentary by historians and archaeologists, and computer-generated graphics. Traces the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs and Mayans along with the journeys of New York explorer, John Stephens, to these cities.

Los suenos descalzos de Petra Luna

"It is 1913, and twelve-year-old Petra Luna's mama has died while the Revolution rages in Mexico. Before her papa is dragged away by soldiers, Petra vows to him that she will care for the family she has left--her abuelita, little sister Amelia, and baby brother, Luisito--until they can be reunited. They flee north through the unforgiving desert as their town burns, searching for safe harbor in a world that offers none. Each night when Petra closes her eyes, she holds her dreams close, especially her long-held desire to learn to read. Abuelita calls these barefoot dreams: "They're like us barefoot peasants and indios--they're not meant to go far." But Petra refuses to listen. Through battlefields and deserts, hunger and fear, Petra will stop at nothing to keep her family safe and lead them to a better life across the U.S. border--a life where her barefoot dreams could finally become reality.".

La princesa y el guerrero

una leyenda de dos volcanes
"Galardonado creador Duncan Tonatiuh da vida a una querida leyenda mexicana Mencion de Honor del Premio Pura Belpre al Ilustrador y un Libro Infantil Notable de ALA/ALSC! "A palette of earthy, evocative colors . . . A genuine triumph." -Kirkus Reviews (Starred Review) "Use this Aztec legend to inspire readers while teaching a bit about dramatic irony." -School Library Journal Itza era la princesa mas hermosa de la tierra, y muchos pretendientes viajaban de todas partes para cortejarla. Aun siendo la hija del emperador, Itza no queria casarse con un hombre de poder y riqueza. En cambio, se enamoro de Popoca, un valiente guerrero que peleaba en el ejercito de su padre, quien no le ofrecio riquezas, sino la promesa de quedarse a su lado para siempre. El emperador no queria que su hija se casara con un simple guerrero, aunque reconocia la valentia de Popoca. Por lo que le ofrecio un trato: si el guerrero lograba derrotar a su enemigo, Garra de Jaguar, entonces el emperador les permitiria casarse a Itza y a Popoca. Pero Garra de Jaguar tenia un plan para frustrar al guerrero. Estara todo perdido? Hoy existen dos majestuosos volcanes, Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl, que pueden verse desde la Ciudad de Mexico. Ellos han sido admirados y venerados por muchas generaciones, dando origen a varias historias y mitos acerca de su creacion. En La princesa y el guerrero, el premiado autor e ilustrador Duncan Tonatiuh nos relata una de las leyendas mas queridas de Mexico. La integracion de palabras en nahuatl (definidas con una guia de pronunciacion en el glosario) en la narracion brinda una gran oportunidad para presentar y explorar otra faceta de la antigua cultura azteca. "--Provided by publisher.

El Chapo

"Norotrious Mexican drug trafficker Joaqui?n Guzma?n Loera, "El Chapo", was named Public Enemy Number One in 2013 by the city of Chicago. El Chapo's operations were the most powerful in Mexico. He spent several stints in various Mexican prisons, often treated like a king, eventually escaping in a laundry cart. He is considered to have been one of the most powerful drug traffickers in the world"--Back cover.

Planet taco

a global history of Mexican food
Examines the historical struggles between globalization and national sovereignty in the creation of "authentic" Mexican food.

The Day of the Dead =

El dia de los muertos
Follow two children as they celebrate their ancestors on this vibrant holiday.


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