
Topical Term

And we rise

the Civil Rights Movement in poems
". . . Erica Martin's debut poetry collection walks readers through the Civil Rights Movement-from the well-documented events that shaped the nation's treatment of Black people, beginning with the 'Separate but Equal' ruling-and introduces lesser-known figures and moments that were just as crucial to the Movement and our nation's centuries-long fight for justice and equality"--Provided by publisher.

I am odd, I am new

"Through the eyes of 10-year-old Benjamin Giroux, being odd is different, and different is a good thing. This is what the then fifth-grader hoped to convey in his poem, beginning every few sentences with "I am," about what it is like to live with autism. Inspired by a school assignment, Benjamin's raw and emotional words poured out onto the page, but when he feared they were not any good, his parents shared the poem with friends and family. Little did they know that it would go viral and end up inspiring thousands of strangers who identified with him to share their support. Now for the first time, Benjamin's iconic poem I Am Odd, I Am New, comes to life in this lovingly illustrated picture book with a foreword written by the National Autism Association. So whether you know the poem, or it is new to you, discover how Benjamin's honesty will reassure children of all ages that it's okay to be different."--.

Augusta Savage

the shape of a sculptor's life
"A powerful biography in poems about Augusta Savage, the trailblazing artist and pillar of the Harlem Renaissance--with an afterword by the curator of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture"--Provided by the publisher.

'Twas the night before Christmas

a visit from St. Nicholas
Santa and his reindeer make their Christmas eve visit to the world's children.

Langston Hughes

An illustrated collection of twenty-six poems by noted African-American poet Langston Hughes. Contains a detailed introduction and biography, as well as brief notes accompanying each poem.

So imagine me

nature riddles in poetry
"From . . . poet Lynn Davies comes her first collection for children. And there's a twist: each of the poems in [this book] has a secret. The lyrical . . . text describes something from nature--flora or fauna or another phenomenon--that's also hiding in the illustrations"--Provided by publisher.

The Great Migration

journey to the North
Describes the journey of African Americans from their homes in the South to industrial cities in the North around the time of World War I.

Paradise lost

"John Milton's Paradise Lost, an epic poem on the clash between God and his fallen angel, Satan, is a profound meditation on fate, free will, and divinity, and one of the most, beautiful works in world literature. Extracted from the Modern Library's highly acclaimed The Complete Poetry and Essential Prose of John Milton, this edition reflects up-to-date scholarship and includes a substantial introduction, fresh commentary, and other features - annotations on Milton's classical allusions, a chronology of the writer's life, clean page layouts, and an index - that make it the definitive twenty-first-century presentation of John Milton's timeless signature work."--Page 4 of cover.

The night before Christmas

"Clement Clarke Moore's . . . poem . . . about the magic of jolly St. Nick as he comes to each house on Christmas Eve, with modern illustrations and a Christmas mouse search-and-find element"--Adapted from dust jacket.

The metamorphoses

The Horace Gregory translation of one of the great works of classical mythology.


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