In Europe during the Dark Ages, eleven-year-olds Edmund and Elspeth must again battle ancient, evil forces, when Elspeth's magical sword guides them to the lair of Loki, a monstrous being whom the sword was forged to kill.
In Great Britain during the Dark Ages, eleven-year-olds Edmund and Elspeth face the ancient god Loki one last time, at an ancient circle of stones that may be their last hope to defeat the terrible trickster.
Two eleven-year-olds, Edmund and Elspeth, discover that they have been given fantastic gifts to use against the ancient and evil forces that have been awakened by powerful magic during the Dark Ages in Great Britain.
In Europe during the Dark Ages, eleven-year-olds Edmund and Elspeth must again battle ancient, evil forces, when Elspeth's magical sword guides them to the lair of Loki, a monstrous being whom the sword was forged to kill.
Two eleven-year-olds, Edmund and Elspeth, discover that they have been given fantastic gifts to use against the ancient and evil forces that have been awakened by powerful magic during the Dark Ages in Great Britain.