
Topical Term

Henry Heckelbeck spells trouble

Brewster Elementary is having a spelling bee and everyone's excited. Everyone except Henry Heckelbeck, that is. Sure Henry can spell words correctly, but being in front of a crowd can be very scary! Will magic help or will it only spell trouble?--.


The Everything about Bugs series examines a wide range of arthropods, from beautiful dragonflies to creepy crawly spiders. Readers will learn exciting facts about each arthropod, including its body features, where it lives, what it eats, and its role in nature. Vibrant photos and easy-to-read text will engage beginning readers as they learn about Earth's most interesting tiny creatures.

Willbee the bumblebee

Originally written as a children's song, Willbee the bumblebee is embarrassed (and chilly) when his snazzy black-and-yellow jersey gets caught on a rose thorn and unravels--but Monica the butterfly and Steve the spider come to his rescue.

Let's bee thankful

In autumn, Bumble and Bee are excited to paint pumpkins and help Froggy make a special apple pie; but when the weather turns frosty, Froggy decides to find a quiet place to settle in for the winter unless Bumble and Bee can tempt Froggy into one more adventure.

The bees in your backyard

a guide to North America's bees
Presents photographic guide to North American bees, describes their natural history, including where they live, how they gather food, their role as pollinators, and even how to attract them to your own backyard. Ideal for amateur naturalists and experts alike, it gives detailed accounts of every bee family and genus in North America, describing key identification features, distributions, diets, nesting habits, and more.

The beekeepers

how humans changed the world of bumble bees
"Thanks to humans, bumble bees are world travelers, spreading to countries that never hosted bumble bees before. For centuries these insects pollinated our crops. But are they pushing out native pollinators? Why are some species of bumble bees flourishing whereas others are floundering, to the point of possibly disappearing forever? . . . explores these questions and tells the tale of bumble bees' history with humans . . . highlights the interconnectedness of the two species, and touches on the topics of endangerment and extinction, the impact on human agriculture, bumble bee habitats and ecology, and the current crisis of bee protection"--Provided by publisher.


After learning that a bee's body is too chunky for flight, Buzz the bumblebee defies the laws of aerodynamics to save a friend in need.

I'm bringing home my baby bumblebee

In this retelling of a children's song, a young girl catches a bumblebee and brings it home to show her mother, but is a bumblebee really a good pet?.

Don't worry, bee happy

Whether it is best friends picture day or the waggle dance, Bumble and Bee buzz around the pond, trying to engage Froggy in their playful activities--even coming up with a terrifying way to cure Froggy's hiccups.

Let's bee thankful

In autumn, Bumble and Bee are excited to paint pumpkins and help Froggy make a special apple pie; but when the weather turns frosty, Froggy decides to find a quiet place to settle in for the winter unless Bumble and Bee can tempt Froggy into one more adventure.


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