american literature

Topical Term
american literature

Integrating multicultural literature in libraries and classrooms in secondary schools

Provides strategies and lesson plans for using multicultural literature in middle and secondary classrooms; discussing the cultivation of readers, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, religion, socioeconomics, geographic orientation, language and country of origin, popular culture, and advocacy. Includes book list and suggestions for classroom use.

Magill's survey of American literature

Profiles over three hundred U.S. and Canadian writers of fiction, drama, poetry, and nonfiction, each with a biographical profile, an analysis of style, themes, and literary characteristics, assessment of one of more works, consideration of the author's legacy, a bibliography, and discussion questions. Includes a glossary, category list, and author and title indexes.

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels
Contains profiles of fourteen novels commonly read by students, including "Anna Karenina, " "Cat's Cradle, " and "Sweetgrass, " each with an introduction to the story and its author, a plot summary, descriptions of characters, analysis of themes and style, discussion of historical context, a critical overview, and related information.

The Harlem Renaissance

Presents short stories, novel excerpts, poems, and essays by such early-twentieth-century African-American writers as Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and W. E. B. DuBois, as well as interviews with jazz pianist James P. Johnson and painter Aaron Douglas.

Popular contemporary writers

Presents alphabetized, illustrated profiles of nine contemporary writers such as Richard Adams and Dorothy Allison, describing their lives, styles, themes, and selected major and minor works and listing further resources. This volume spans Ada-Ban.

African-American writers

Presents alphabetized biographical profiles of 150 African-American writers, describing their works and their significance in literary history, and provides a further reading list for each entry, a bibliography, and three reference lists.

American writers classics

Profiles eighteen important works of American literature, including novels, poems, and short story collections, each with an analysis, a discussion of its impact and influence, an author chronology, and a bibliography.

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels
Contains profiles of twelve commonly read novels, each including an introduction to the story and its author, a plot summary, descriptions of characters, analysis of themes and style, discussion of historical context, a critical overview, and other related information.

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels
Profiles fourteen commonly studied novels by such authors as Alice McDermott, Salman Rushdie, and Carol Shields, providing plot summaries, biographical and historical context, examples of criticism, and discussion of characters, themes, and style.

American writers

Presents alphabetized biographical profiles of more than 260 American novelists, short story writers, poets, dramatists, essayists, and nonfiction authors of diverse ethnicity from the seventeenth to the twenty-first century, providing further reading lists for each; and includes three subject indexes.


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