Provides background on the life of Ernest Hemingway and the influences that shaped his life, features articles that explore gender roles as portrayed in his novel "The Sun Also Rises," and examines issues of gender roles in the twenty-first century.
Presents over sixty essays in which the authors present opinions and defenses of frequently challenged and/or censored books from the period between 1985 and 2000.
Contains nineteen essays in which the authors examine various aspects of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, discussing the origins of the movements, its major figures and artists, and the challenges they faced.
A comprehensive overview of the Harlem Renaissance that discusses the concept of the New Negro, the foundation and international context of the movement, major authors and texts, and the post-Renaissance.
A collection of writings from colonial America, covering a period that ranges from before Columbus through the early nineteenth century with a focus on the American Revolutionary period.
Presents a comprehensive history of the Harlem Renaissance during the early decades of the twentieth century; and contains essays and an audio CD on the music, art, literature, and politics of that era.