navajo indians

Topical Term
navajo indians

Grandpa Lolo's Navajo saddle blanket =

La tilma de Abuelito Lolo
Junie L?pez tells, in English and Spanish, of the long friendship between his Mexican American grandfather, Grandpa Lolo, and Manuelito Yazzie, a Navajo, that began with the sale of a horse. Includes glossary.
Cover image of Grandpa Lolo's Navajo saddle blanket =

How we became human

new and selected poems
A collection of poems written by Joy Harjo between 1975 and 2001.
Cover image of How we became human


Battle-hardened World War II sergeant Joe Enders tries to maintain a professional distance when he is assigned to, protect Ben Yahzee, a young recruit fluent in the so-far unbreakable battlefield code based on the Navajo language--mindful of the unspoken order to kill Ben rather than let him be captured by the Japanese.
Cover image of Windtalkers

Sing down the moon

A young Navajo girl recounts the events of 1864 when her tribe was forced to march to Fort Sumner as prisoners of the white soldiers.
Cover image of Sing down the moon

The goat in the rug

Geraldine, a goat, describes each step as she and her Navajo friend make a rug, from the hair clipping and carding to the dyeing and actual weaving.
Cover image of The goat in the rug

Walk in beauty

the Navajo and their blankets

The Navajo

An exploration of the Navajo Indians, discussing the nation's relationship with Spaniards and settlers, culture, crafts, and more.

The Navajos

Provides an overview of the history, culture, and ways of life of the Navajo Indians.

Power of a Navajo

Carl Gorman : the man and his life


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