
Geographic Name

Celebrating D?a de los Muertos

"Dia de los Muertos, or 'Day of the Dead', may seem like a bleak name for a holiday. But this exciting occasion is actually a special time to remember loved ones and to celebrate life. Young readers discover how food, fun, and memories contribute to a festival that is more about rejoicing than mourning"--Provided by publisher.

Leyendas de la serpiente emplumada

el ascenso del rey enano
"Sayam siempre ha sido diferente de los dem??s ni??os: es muy bajo para su edad, su mejor amigo es un mono y lo m??s curioso de todo: ??naci?? de un huevo! Su abuela, una bruja, lo encontr?? y le ense???? toda la magia antigua que usa para ayudar a su gente. Entonces, cuando una serpiente gigante comienza a aterrorizar una ciudad cercana, Sayam decide que es hora de usar su conocimiento para ayudar a otros, y entra en acci??n. Pero la bestia podr??a no ser el mayor problema de Sayam: el despiadado rey Kinich Kak Ek ve a Sayam como una amenaza para su trono. La profec??a declara que quien tenga ??xito en tres pruebas imposibles ser?? rey. Las serpientes monstruosas y las pruebas imposibles son mucho para un ni??o, ??pero Sayam es valiente y tiene a un mono leal, una abuela sabia y conocimientos m??gicos de su lado!"--.


A young boy named Miguel Rivera loves music, and wants to become an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz, but no music is allowed in his household, so he takes a journey to the Land of the dead to unlock the real story behind his family's history.

Stella D?az never gives up

"Stella gets a big surprise when her mom plans a trip to visit their family in Mexico! Stella loves marine animals, and she can't wait to see the ocean for the first time . . . until she arrives and learns that the sea and its life forms are in danger due to pollution. Stella wants to save the ocean, but she knows she can't do it alone. It's going to take a lot of work and help from old and new friends to make a difference, but Stella D?az never gives up"--Back cover.

We are not from here

"Teens from Guatemala escape through Mexico and attempt to reach the U.S. border"--Provided by publisher.

Barefoot dreams of Petra Luna

"Based on a true story, the tale of one girl's perilous journey to cross the U.S. border and lead her family to safety during the Mexican Revolution"--.

Barefoot dreams of Petra Luna

"Based on a true story, the tale of one girl's perilous journey to cross the U.S. border and lead her family to safety during the Mexican Revolution"--Provided by publisher.

Mis dos pueblos fronterizos

"A boy and his father cross the United States-Mexico border every other Saturday, visiting their favorite places, spending time with family and friends, and sharing in the responsibility of community care"--.

Celebrating Day of the Dead

El D?a de los Muertos is celebrated in Mexico with food and festivities to celebrate life and to honor and remember deceased loved ones.

Hola, Mexico

Provides a broad overview of the government, geography, plant and animal life, people, and culture of Mexico. Includes activities, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.


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