Currie, Stephen

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The Himalayas

Describes the physical geography of the Himalayas and chronicles its exploration throughout the centuries, covering the arrival of Christianity, trade, and surveyors and the conquest of Mt. Everest by Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay in 1953.

Mia Hamm

This book discusses the childhood, soccer successes, fame, charitable works, and future options of Olympian Mia Hamm.

We have marched together

the working children's crusade
Examines the problem of child labor during the early twentieth century, focusing on a protest march from Philadelphia to New York City in 1903 by a group of child textile workers led by Mother Jones.

Women of the Civil War

Explores the impact of the Civil War on women's lives, as well as the many roles played by women on and off the battlefields.

An actor on the Elizabethan stage

Discusses various aspects of theatrical life, including staging and performance, financing, types of acting troupes, and social and economic influences.

Polar explorers

Discusses the lives, education, successes, and failures of such explorers as John Franklin, Robert Peary, Matthew Henson, Roald Amundsen, and Robert Falcon Scott as they ventured into the Arctic and Antarctic.

Issues in immigration

Discusses various issues regarding immigration, including assimilation, jobs, services, illegal immigration, and policy.

Life in Charles Dickens's England

London in the nineteenth century was a fascinating place, a city that had some of the greatest wealth of its time?and some of the poorest people to be found anywhere. Crime, daily life, the treatment of children, and arts and sciences are among the topics discussed.

The Renaissance

The Renaissance produced a remarkable transformation of European society and culture. In education and in government, in wealth and in the visual arts, the Renaissance produced major changes in almost every area of European life changes which even today continue to affect the way people live, work, and think.


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