Contains an introduction to winter, in simple text with illustrations, describing its weather and such activities as skiing, sledding, and building a snowman. Presented in English and Spanish.
Contains an introduction to spring, in simple text with illustrations, describing its weather and such activities as planting a garden. Presented in English and Spanish.
Contains an introduction to autumn, in simple text with illustrations, describing its weather and such activities as raking leaves, playing football, and picking pumpkins. Presented in English and Spanish.
Explains the many ingenious methods that nature uses to spread plant seeds, from hitching a ride on clothing and bobbing along on the water to spinning, soaring, and floating through the air.
Life would be very different without the Internet. Our governments depend on it. There would be no use for computers or mobile phones. Airlines would shut down. What can be done to safeguard the Internet? In this book, find out how scientists are working on ways to keep the Internet open and free from interruption.